Mengenal Kak M
My name is Munir, I'm from FMIPA UI. I have experiences fixing students' problem in math&physics subject through private course.
Portofolio Mengajar
Since elementary and high school, I actively joined myself into math competitions (LCCM and Math Olympiad) and I championed most of them. With my experience in understanding logical related subjects, I've helped students to solve their problems through some private courses and a group course. My students coming from SMPN 41 Jakarta, SMA Al Izhar, SMP International Citabuana, etc..
Metode Mengajar
Metode pengajaran sayang telah dillakukan dan berhasil membuat siswa-siswa saya mendapatkan nilai hampir sempurna hingga sempurna yakni metode 2 arah. Lebih rincinya, saya akan mengajak siswa untuk berfikir bersama dan membantu dalam memvisualisasikan materi-materi yang diajar dengan analogi atau permisalan fenomena sehari-hari yang ada di sekitar hidup kita, sehingga siswa dapat dengan mudah memahami konsep materi yang sedang dipelajari.3>
Pengalaman Mengajar :
10 SMA - Matematika | Nasional (B. Indonesia),Nasional Plus (Bilingual),Internasional (Full English)
SMP - Matematika,IPA | Nasional (B. Indonesia),Nasional Plus (Bilingual),Internasional (Full English)
SD - Matematika,IPA | Nasional (B. Indonesia),Nasional Plus (Bilingual),Internasional (Full English)
- Enteroreneur student-representative of Faculty of Mathematics and Science Universitas Indonesia
- Selected Tenant for
- Presenter at The Biggest Geoscience National Conference Joint Convention Yogyakarta
- Top 5 National Business Plan Competition Ecopreneur UNDIP
- etc.
- 1st Winner Business Plan Competition PKMM Facultyof Mathematics and Science Universitas Indonesia
- etc.
- Finalist National Business Plan Competition S3 BEM UI - - Finalist National Business Plan Competition Ecopreneur UNDIP
- etc..