Kak Dyan - Hello, I am Dyan, your Bahasa Indonesia teacher! Let's learn Bahasa Indonesia with me and complete your mission easily! :)

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Mengenal Kak Dyan

Hello, I am Dyan, your Bahasa Indonesia teacher! Let's learn Bahasa Indonesia with me and complete your mission easily! :)

Portofolio Mengajar

I graduated from Master of Indonesian Education, Universitas Negeri Malang 2017. My teaching experience started in 2012. In line with my background, I teach Indonesian Language, with various purpose: Bahasa Indonesia with National Curriculum, BIPA (BI for foreigner), and Bahasa Indonesia as a Basic Course. I have experience teaching at various level: preschool, elementary, secondary (SMP-SMA), and University.

Metode Mengajar

Delivering Material: learning objective, asking arguments, concept, theory, example, case study, note to remember Exercises: student try to do, discuss by read the questions first, bold out the questions/requirements, recall the concepts of theory, analysis, and proof the answers. (these method designed to UTBK course students, may not fit with another ages/group classes)

Pengalaman Mengajar :

  • SD - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional Plus (Bilingual),Internasional (Full English)
  • SMP - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional (B. Indonesia)
  • 10 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional (B. Indonesia)
  • 11 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional (B. Indonesia)
  • 12 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional (B. Indonesia)
  • SBMPTN - Bahasa Indonesia | Nasional (B. Indonesia)
  • CPNS - TIU | Nasional (B. Indonesia)

Informasi Tutor

Jatiasih, KOTA BEKASI Perempuan Motor Pribadi Guru Di Sekolah, Guru Di Bimbel, Pegawai Swasta, Ibu Rumah Tangga, Pengajar Private Full Time

Latar Belakang Pendidikan

Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Universitas Negeri Malang

Minat Mengajar

SD - Bahasa Indonesia

SMP - Bahasa Indonesia

10 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia

11 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia

12 SMA - Bahasa Indonesia

SBMPTN - Bahasa Indonesia


Wilayah Mengajar

Bekasi Barat

Duren Sawit

Tanjung Priok




Mampang Prapatan

Pasar Minggu



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