Recount Text | Bahasa Inggris Kelas X - Latiseducation

Recount Text | Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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Recount text berfokus pada menceritakan kembali pengalaman penulis secara runut dan menyeluruh.

Pernahkah kamu membuat catatan tentang kejadian di hidupmu? Jika iya, secara tidak langsung kamu telah mempelajari recount text. Lalu, apa itu recount text? 

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, recount diartikan sebagai pengalaman yang bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi atau menghibur pembaca.

Pengertian Recount Text 

Seperti yang sudah dibahas di atas, recount text adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan pengalaman di masa lampau. 

Teks ini berfokus pada menceritakan kembali pengalaman penulis secara runut dan menyeluruh. Dikarenakan recount text adalah teks yang khusus membahas cerita di masa lalu, teks ini memiliki gaya bahasa tersendiri seperti:

  • Tenses (tata bahasa); tenses yang digunakan adalah past tense atau kata kerja kedua.
  • Noun (kata benda); merujuk pada kata yang spesifik atau kata benda seperti tempat, waktu, orang, dan acara.
  • Penggunaan active voice dan passive voice.
  • Untuk menyempurnakannya, recount text juga menggunakan conjunction & connectives words.

Generic Structure of Recount Text 

Recount text tersusun atas orientasi, fokus, kronologi, organisasi, dan wawasan.

  1. Orientation (orientasi); memuat tentang apa, siapa, dimana, dan kapan pengalaman itu terjadi.
  2. Focus (fokus); hanya memuat peristiwa penting yang terjadi.
  3. Chronology (kronologi); peristiwa yang terjadi diceritakan secara runut.
  4. Organization (organisasi); cerita dikelompokkan berdasarkan informasi yang relevan.
  5. Insight; memuat pendapat, komentar, dan interpretasi tentang pengalaman yang diceritakan.

Jenis-jenis Recount Text 

Terdapat lima jenis recount text yaitu personal, factual, procedural, literary, dan imaginative recount.

Personal recount text; penulis menceritakan kegiatan personal dengan tujuan untuk membangun ikatan pada pembaca. Contoh teks seperti ini adalah diari, jurnal, surat pribadi, dan lainnya.

Factual recount; ini adalah jenis recount text berupa laporan kecelakaan atau hal-hal yang terjadi di lapangan dan masa lalu. Contohnya adalah cerita sejarah, autobiografi, biografi dan lainnya.

Procedural recount text; menceritakan tentang kejadian secara kronologis dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca. Contohnya adalah eksperimen. 

Literary recount; ini hampir sama seperti factual recount. Hanya saja recount text yang satu ini memuat tentang cerita kronologis yang bersifat menghibur.

Imaginative recount; memuat cerita di masa lalu yang bersifat imajinatif namun pernah terjadi.

Contoh Recount Text 

Agar lebih memahami secara jelas tentang recount text, coba perhatikan contoh recount text berikut ini!

A prolific painter, draftsman, and etcher, Rembrandt is usually regarded as the greatest artist of Holland's "Golden Age". He worked first in his native Leiden and, from 1632 onward, in Amsterdam, where he had studied briefly with the influential history painter Pieter Lastman. Rembrandt never went abroad, but he carefully examined the work of Northern artist who had lived in Italy. In the Leiden period, Rembrandt also responded strongly to earlier Netherlandish artists, such as Lucas van Leyden. However, a crucial aspect of Rembrandt's development was his intense study of people, objects, and their surroundings, "from life" as it is obvious in paintings like his early self-portraits and the Saint Paul in Prison ( 1627). Even by Dutch standards, Rembrandt's pre-occupation with direct observation was exceptional and continued throughout his career. Despite the constant evolution of his style, Rembrandt's compelling descriptions of light, space, atmosphere, modeling, texture, and human situations may be traced back even from his late works, such as The Jewish Bride, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, to the foundations of his Leiden years. It was also this program, in good part that made Rembrandt a great teacher. 

In Amsterdam, Rembrandt became a prominent portraitist, attracting attention with dramatic compositions like The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp. In securing commissions, the artist was assisted by the Mennonite art dealer Hendrick Uylenburgh. The Mennonites advocated personal interpretation of scripture, which probably influenced Rembrandt's subjective and often moving treatment of biblical subjects. The artist became highly successful in the 1630s, when he had several pupils and assistants, started his own art collection, and lived the life of a cultivated gentleman, especially in the impressive residence he purchased in 1639. Now it is known as the "Rembrandt House" museum. Rembrandt exudes confidence and urbanity in his Self-portraits by Raphael and Titian. These artists probably also inspired his Amsterdam signature, "Rembrandt”.

What is the author's purpose in writing this text? (SIMAK Ul2017/36) 

  1. To present the life of Rembrandt.
  2. To argue that Rembrandt was a great teacher for other painters.
  3. To argue that Rembrandt is one of the best painters in the world.
  4. To present the achievement of Rembrandt in obtaining commissions 
  5. To present Rembrandt's development as a painter throughout his career

Jawaban: E (karena teks di atas menceritakan tentang perkembangan dan karir Rembrandt’s.

Nah, itulah pembahasan materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas sepuluh tentang Recount Text. Apabila ada pertanyaan atau pendapat yang ingin disampaikan, kamu bisa langsung serukan di kolom komentar di bawah yaaaah… 

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